{Mum & Roo} believes:

Mamas & babies belong together.
As soon as possible and as much as possible.  It's as simple as that.

{Mum & Roo} believes:

Nurtured children turn into nurturing adults. ...and isn't that just what we need more of?  Adults who care, who love unconditionally, who listen, and who take time to meet the needs of others.  You can be one... and you can raise one.  The journey of attached, intuitive parenting builds confidence in kids and parents alike.  Relationships are strengthened and emotional security blooms. Through gentle and responsive parenting, your baby will thrive and so will you.

{Mum & Roo} believes:

A person's a person, no matter how small.  {Thanks, Dr. Suess}  Your little one's emotional, mental, and physical health should be, and will be, considered at all times, from the womb on.  A child is never "just a child" to {Mum & Roo}.  We believe each person deserves respect and an attentive ear regardless of how well they're able to communicate their needs.

{Mum & Roo} believes:

You've got choices.  Where, and how, you choose to bring your little one into the world, how many of the common parenting "rules" you allow to affect your family, how you respond to your newborn's (and infant's, and child's) attempt at communicating with you in their own little language...  
So many choices about every aspect of your body, your little one, and your family... and we believe you deserve to be informed of them ALL. 

{Mum & Roo} believes:
Those first 40 weeks matter.  The most recent studies are showing that babies, even while in utero, are significantly affected by the environment their mama is living in, the behaviors she's engaging in, the nutrition she abounds in or lacks, and even the thoughts she's thinking.  Health problems later in life can be traced to the womb, as can mental and emotional health.  Your child's DNA is ever evolving and is largely dependent on your choices.  {Mum & Roo} wants to help you begin to make choices that will bless and benefit your future child.  

{Mum & Roo} believes:

Nurturing touch can change a person's world. The very name of {Mum & Roo} reflects a large part of our parenting belief system.  Skin to skin contact through infant massage, through babywearing, through breastfeeding, through co-sleeping, and through cuddle time is key to developing a strong and lasting bond with your little one.  Kangaroo Care isn't just for preemies and NICU babies {although it benefits them greatly!}. Daily Kangaroo Care with your healthy baby helps to organize their not-yet-developed systems, build brain connections, instill self-esteem and security, and strengthen communication between parents and baby.  Skin to skin contact aids in digestion, reduces stress hormones, improves immune function and so much more.  As a parent, taking time out for skin to skin contact can reduce stress, increase breastmilk supply, and strengthen communication and bonding. Ten minutes a day can change your baby's world - and maybe even yours.

{Mum & Roo} believes:

You deserve the best care, no matter your circumstances. We understand that life is always changing and there are times it can leave you in the worst place at the worst time. This is why {Mum & Roo} will work hard to help you find the resources you need, regardless of your financial situation, and will search for and list as many FREE classes as we can find in the area on a variety of subjects.